Who Can Join
The Consortium welcomes any U.S. state, city, county, local government agency, public school district, or federal government agency that procures apparel or other relevant products or services, supports the mission and purpose of the Consortium, and pays the annual dues to join. Nonprofit entities are also welcome to apply for membership in the Consortium.
Membership Benefits
Lower your administrative costs by using the centralized supplier database, Sweatfree LinkUp!, and by teaming up with other public entities to build our capacity to monitor and verify producer compliance.
Gain confidence in your knowledge about vendors and manufacturers, including their locations of production and labor compliance records.
Share information and resources with your colleagues, including best practices, policy models, and supplier evaluation tools.
Membership Obligations
Support the mission and purpose of the Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium.
Pay affordable annual dues.
Participate in the annual membership meeting.
How to Join (and get advanced access to Sweatfree LinkUp!) in Two Easy Steps
1. Download, fill out, and send in the Membership Enrollment Form. 
2. Send in memberhip dues, following the instructions on the form. Or pay membership dues securely with PayPal.
3. Thank you!
Membership list