Register with the Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium

The Consortium welcomes vendors and manufacturers to register.  When you have registered you will be able to upload supply chain data, including product and factory information, to Sweatfree LinkUp!  You will be able to view and edit your own supply chain pages, and you will have access to the online Declaration of Compliance form to submit Code of Conduct compliant bids, proposals, or quotations.

Is my company a manufacturer or a vendor?

Vendors have or seek contracts or purchase orders with government entities.  Manufacturers own the apparel brands that vendors sell.  Typically, these roles are distinct though some companies are both manufacturers and vendors.  The rule of thumb is to register as a manufacturer if your company owns an apparel brand and as a vendor if it does not.

Organization Type
Mailing Address
Name Of Organization
Street Address

Postal Code
Contact Name (individual)
Contact Title
Contact E-mail
Contact Telephone