Uniform Management Program Cooperative Contract

The City of Madison, Wisconsin, in consultation with the Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium has developed a cooperative "piggyback" contract  for public safety, general trade, supervisory and dress apparel, t-shirts and cottonwear that are typically used by Fire, Metro Transit, Police and other municipal operations agencies. The contract is available for use by City of Madison agencies, members of V.A.L.U.E. (Volume Acquisition and Large Uniform Expenditures), a non-profit organization made up of approximately 167 local government counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts, libraries, utitlities and other public entities in the Southeastern Wisconsin area, WAPP (Wisconsin Association of Public Purchasers), and other public agencies in the United States.

The City of Madison and the Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium are committed to promoting the contract among other public agency organizations nationwide, and work to  accomplish various reviews and evaluations of bidder and contractor compliances during the RFP process as well as during the contract performance period.

If your agency is interested in using the contract, the first step is to tell the City of Madison.  They will put you in touch with their contact at Galls, the contractor.

The contract, including pricing schedule.

Request for Proposals (included by reference in the contract)

Review Panel

Human Rights Due Diligence Summary

Request for Proposals

The Request for Proposals, including appendices and attachments are available for download below.

Uniform Management Program Request for Proposals

Appendices A, B, C, F, G

  • Appendix A:
  • RFP FORM A: Signature Affidavit
  • RFP FORM B: Receipt Forms and Submittal Checklist RFP FORM C: Contractor Profile
  • RFP FORM D: Proposer References
  • RFP FORM E: Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information
  • Appendix B:Bidder Disclosure Statement
  • Appendix C: Proposer Assurance of Intent and Capacity to Submit Compliance Plan
  • Appendix F: Qualifications, Program Implementation and Contract Management
  • Appendix G: Uniform Program Requirements

Appendix D: Uniform Samples – Proposed Equals

Appendix E: Compliance Scoring Worksheet for Bidder Disclosures

Appendix H: Pricing Proposal

Attachments A-D

  • Attachment A:  Sample Compliance Scoring
  • Attachment B:  Standard Terms and Conditions
  • Attachment C:  Sample Contract for Purchase of Services
  • Attachment D:  Sample Vendor Sweatfree Compliance Plan

Addendum No. 1, June 4, 2014, Responses to Questions Received About the RFP

Review Panel

The purpose of the Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium Cooperative Contract Review Panel is to assist the City of Madison and other user agencies in evaluating and achieving compliance with the sweatfree terms and conditions in the Uniform Management Sweatfree Cooperative Contract to be awarded in 2014.  The review panel provides guidance and recommendations only; the City of Madison and other user agencies make compliance determinations.

Download the Review Panel guidelines here.

Materials referenced in the guidelines:

Human Rights Due Diligence Summary

This Request for Proposals, published shortly after the one-year anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh, raises the bar for human rights due diligence in government contracting.  This multi-government initiative, led by the City of Madison, Wisconsin, is part of a larger effort to to eliminate unsafe and illegal working conditions in apparel factories worldwide. The contract requires:

  • Transparency: Bidders must disclose names and addresses of factories as well as workers’ minimum wages and benefits.
  • Compliance plan to remedy and prevent violations: The winning bidder will work with the City of Madison and the Consortium to implement a compliance plan that includes worker education, a grievance process, responsible purchasing practices, and prevention measures to address health and safety conditions in high-risk areas such as Bangladesh and Pakistan.
  • Independent oversight: Contractor rebates will help to fund independent monitoring of suppliers and factories where there is a high risk of violations.
  • Rigorous compliance review and evaluation:  An independent review panel, coordinated by the Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium, will assist the City of Madison and other user agencies in evaluating contractor compliance at the proposal, award, and contract performance stages of the process.  The review panel will include experts in international labor rights and representatives of public agencies that use the contract.

Download this summary of the human rights due diligence requirements here.